The Berill offers good hit protection and armor, and is generally effective as a starting suit.

It is bought and regularly available from most traders. The Berill-5M commonly costs around 18,800 rubles, making it economical and hardy compared to other high level armors. Can have a maximum of 3 artifact containers. It can be upgraded with NVGs and have superior firearm protection or superior anomaly protection. Overall the Berill-5M doesn't provide as much anomaly protection as comparable Tier 2 armors (the Guardian of Freedom or CS-1), but costs less and is cheaper to upgrade and maintain. Overall it's better to use it if you're combat oriented and compensate for the lacking anomaly protection with artifacts. The Berill-5M is designed for combat while not as superior to other Tier 2 armors in terms of firearms resistance compared to its Shadow of Chernobyl incarnation, it is still comparable to the Guardian of Freedom and CS-1 body armor in term of bullet/rupture protection and can be modified to have a maximum of 60% protection against firearms though if modified for anomalies: It won't go above 35% and it will lack NVGs. The second is below a crashed Mi-24 (along with a few boxes of 9x39mm SP-6 ammunition), at the western entrance of the square, near where Freedom and Military stalkers fight each other. One below a flipped UAZ-469 at the end of the large avenue (where the player encounters the group of experts Loners.

It is equipped with first-generation night vision. Its only drawbacks are its below-average anomaly protection and weight. In Shadow of Chernobyl, the Berill is a particularly durable suit and very resistant to firearm damage. Known as " Guardian of Freedom suit", it offers effective anomaly protection, compared to the original model, and features a pattern similar to the German Flecktarn camouflage, similar to the camouflage used by Freedom suits. In Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat, the Freedom faction uses its own variant of the Berill suit. The Berill-5M suit is exclusively used by the Spetsnaz. All wearers either use the gas mask or goggles variant of the helmet. The helmet has a special copper wire mesh installed to protect the wearer from background psionic emanations of the Zone. It features a European woodland camouflage pattern.

It includes a PSZ-9a military bulletproof vest with beryllium coating and a Sphere-08 helmet. The Berill-forces is an official suit used by the Ukrainian Military, modified for the Zone.