Set Car Upgrades (Armor, Breaks, Engine, Horn.Full Game Leaderboard Level Leaderboard All 555 We Tip 8-Track A Home In The Hills Against All Odds Ammu-Nation Challenge Amphibious Assault Architectural Espionage Are You Going To San Fierro Backroad Wanderer Badlands Badlands A Badlands B Bandito County Barnstorming Beat Down On B Dup Beat The Cock (Palomino Creek) Beat The Cock (Santa Maria Beach) Big Smoke Bike School Bike School: Jump and Stop Bike School: Jump and Stoppie Bike School: The 180 Bike School: The 360 Bike School: The Stoppie Bike School: The Wheelie Birdseye Winder Black Project Bloodbowl BMX Challenge Boat School Boat School: Basic Seamanship Boat School: Flying Fish Boat School: Fresh Slalom Boat School: Land, Sea and Air Boat School: Plot a Course Body Harvest Breaking The Bank At Caligula's Burglar Burning Desire Catalyst Cesar Vialpando Chopper Checkpoint City Circuit Cleaning The Hood Cobra Run Cop Wheels Country Endurance Customs Fast Track Cut Throat Business Dam And Blast Dam Rider Deconstruction Desert Tricks Dirt Track Dirtbike Danger Doberman Don Peyote Drive-By Drive-Thru Driving School: Alley Oop Driving School: Burn and Lap Driving School: City Slicking Driving School: Cone Coil Driving School: P.I.T.

This tool hooks into in-game functions (that run every frame) and modifies them in memory so that they call a custom function written into empty memory space. This was my first ever C# project (created ~2014), so please excuse the messy / ugly code.